We always want what we want in life, whether it’s a new car, a new phone, a new friend. But somehow once we get it it never seems enough. Take relationships for example, you want what you want, and once you get it you either don’t want it anymore or you look for flaws to convince you that it’s no longer something you want. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we do this to others? We’re never really internally satisfied, there’s always going to be that yearning for something more. To live life completely content is a lie, but to live life completely ignorant is a possibility. Some of us don’t always want what we have but choose to continue with it regardless, instead of switching it up for the next model or something more suitable.
Some of us lucky few actually get what we want and are truly content. Although there are some flaws, as there are in anything and everything, the good always triumphs the bad and somehow those flaws are molded in to imperfect perfections.
The real question here is with life being so short and with every moment passing could be our last, why do we still feel it’s appropriate to become selfish and picky. Why are we not satisfied enough to realise what we have and just be content with it.
I do agree its ok to be selfish sometimes, but when did little matters turn into big things? I heard this song the other day and now I can’t stop listening to it. And some of the lyrics go “I wish I could have said goodbye, turn right back the hands of time, so I could be by your side again…” something like that. But it made me think that lifes so short and anything can happen. Those who are unfortunate enough to have lost a loved one or just someone wishes they could have them back for just a day, whereas most of us take for granted the people we have in our lives already, wanting them to change, unable to accept them for who they completely are.
As people we are always going to want to change, move away, do something different, meet someone who brings us completely out of our element and makes us see the world differently. But what if those people in our lives see us in that light, see us as the ones who make them see differently, make them think twice and yet we don’t feel content with just them. What if roles reversed and we were in their shoes? I know this sounds like I’m saying that if this is the case then we should just grin and bear it, differences and all. But what if the differences are too big to over come no matter how hard you’ve tried? Does it mean you should throw the towel in, after all, you’ve done all you can right? That’s our problem, most of us don’t do all we can or even explore the possibilities of making a situation better, we just wanna duck and run the first sign of trouble. And its not fair..
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