Saturday, March 19, 2011

What does it mean...

What does it mean to be selfish? Is selfish where we only care and are consumed with our own thoughts and being, never caring to give an interest in others. Is selfish where you have to be cruel to be kind? Is selfish a sacrifice or refusal to give up your prize. Can selfish be hope, desire, or is it just greed.
Most of us live our lives too absorbed in our own drama. Our own world and for the sake of it why not? The world is what you make it, including drama and all. We are after all creators of our own problems. But what about other peoples problems. Millions of us walk these streets without a care in the world, without even paying attention to the people around us. And why should we right, it’s not like we know them. But what about the people we do know? Most of us are too consumed with our own pain to notice others hurting around us. Too wrapped up in our own lives, our personal pain, our own world to notice anyone around us. And once it’s too late, we’re too wrapped up in our own guilt.
But what about those who aren’t so much selfish but more so selfless? Why do they do it? What drives them to bend over backwards for others even when its an inconvenience or the worst possible time? What makes them want to help, want to be there, want to do things for others when they are less thought of. And with the knowledge of all this, what makes them continue?
What’s sad is that even though it might be too little too late to be there for someone, even if a selfless person has done everything and more for that person, they’ll still feel guilty. Somewhat responsible. If only they could have devoted a little more time, if only they could have got through to that person. Feeling as though they didn’t do enough they will always blame themselves feeling partially responsible. A selfish person never will. They will be too consumer with how they feel, possibly being angry with the person that is too far gone to reach. Why did they do this to me? Why didn’t they listen? And best the line possible… why didn’t they tell me?
Sometimes being selfish can be a good thing. Like I said before sometimes you’ve got to be cruel to be kind and that doesn’t always mean to others but to yourself. People will always walk over you if you let them. Sometimes you have to be selfish if you want anything in this world. After all they say nothing in this world is free. Its ok to be selfish once in a while but make a habit of it and become too greedy, there will always be something waiting to knock you down a few pegs.
Believe it or not but there is such a thing as being too selfless. As nice and kind a gesture it is, its not always fair. People are never hesitant to take advantage and it doesn’t necessarily have to be because you know you can. Sometimes without realising you’ll lean on someone once or twice and before you know it your laying all over them. Selfless people will rarely ever deny someone in need no matter how big or small that need is. But during their selfless acts people will begin to identify them as a doormat rather than a door opening when they need, as opposed to walking in when they want. And what’s worse is we get so used to treating people this way, being treated this way that we do such little to change it. Partially fear of loosing someone, partially comfort in the familiarity of these patterns.
Selfless people tend to be the ones in more need than others’, they’re either just to proud or too private to want to inconvenience anyone. And eventually before you know it, they’re too far gone and it’s too little too late. Its tragic really.
Pretty cynical view but in some ways there’s a lot of truth in it and after all doesn’t the truth sometimes hurt.

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