Friday, April 15, 2011

Goodbye..For Now

Why are goodbyes so hard? Is it because we’re saying goodbye to a happy memory, a time, a place, a person. Or is it because we know that this particular time, this particular place, this particular person, this very moment will be forever gone and it’ll never be the same again. Change is inevitable whether we want it to happen or not, but yet we find it increasingly hard to wave goodbye to the routine we’re so used to whether we’re happy in it or not. All those moments we never grabbed, all those words left unsaid, all the times we’d tell ourselves we’ll do it another day, another time. And in our final goodbyes we’re saddened because we know this is the end and we regret all the things we didn’t say and all the things we didn’t do. We wave goodbye to the ones we love giving promises to see each other again soon and we even wave goodbye to the ones we know we’ll never see again but that we’ll never forget. And as you part your separate ways your saddened by the knowledge of knowing your paths only momentarily met but were never entwined. And then you’re left with a question… where do we go from here?


  1. Goodbyes are always hard, but they are even better when it doesn't exactly mean it will be the last goodbye forever

  2. I agree, just sucks though when you know it is goodbye forever.

  3. This is beautiful and so true. I hate goodbyes.
